# pm21-dragon ## Introduction This is the course material for PM-21: "Python für die Biowissenschaften", Winter Semester 2024-2025 (year of the Dragon), Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg. The instructors are Prof. Dr. Andrew Straw and Dr. Michael Harrap. ILIAS: https://ilias.uni-freiburg.de/goto.php?target=crs_3633612&client_id=unifreiburg ## Forge You should have received an email from the sender `strawlab-notify@biologie.uni-freiburg.de` with the email address known by HisINOne for you. Use this to login to the server at https://strawlab-rp2.zoologie.uni-freiburg.de/user/login . Username: your last name in lower case and with umlauts spelled in ASCII (Müller -> mueller ). Password: your initial password will be your matriculation number followed by x (e.g. 1234567x). You will have to change your password. ## Installation of Anaconda Download the Anaconda Distribution from [here](https://www.anaconda.com/download). We will demonstrate use of the Anaconda Distribution in class. ## The Python Tutor - extremely highly recommended http://pythontutor.com/